I ran across an interesting website dedicated to camping:
Yosemite and Sierra Nevada Camping and it inspired me to post my old photos from Yosemite. All of these photos are from June 1956 with the exception of the last photo which was taken in the mid 1960's. By the way check out that website through the link I provided. It is pretty informative and if you are thinking of heading up that way, it might be helpful.
My father and I atop the El Capitan Bridge. Does it still exist?
My father Andrew and I, in what is probably the most famous view in Yosemite:
The Yosemite Valley.
My mother and I
My sister Evelyn, myself and my mother Anita.
With my mother, and I believe that is my sister just visible behind the playpen.
This photo was not taken at Yosemite.
It is either Mt. Baldy or Big Bear, California.
It has been so long, I can't remember which.
That's my younger brother Dennis and I.
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