Monday, January 29, 2024

Happy Birthday Nathan Joseph Guardian

The routine is the same. We wake up, have our coffee and breakfast, wait around, maybe watch the news until one of us invariably says, “It’s time!”  We get in the truck and make the drive; about four miles or so. About a ten, maybe fifteen minutes’ drive. Not much talking on the way. We stop at the Rosemill Flower Shop on Workman Mill RD. The routine is the same here too. Jeri begins the search for the flowers she wants while I wander around looking at some of the other merchandise. Eventually she finds the flowers she wants, we pay for the flowers then we are on our way again. Still not much is said. In a few minutes we approach the Rose Hills Memorial Park. We take the short service road into the cemetery and make our way up the winding hilly road. We are here to visit our beloved grandson Nathan. 

Today is our first born grandson’s birthday. He would be twenty-three today. He was just short of four months when he passed. It is an understatement to say he is still loved and still missed by his family. I often think of the boy he would have been, now I think about the man. My wife and I still grieve. Especially in our private moments. It will always be this way. Our time with Nathan was short, the pictures are few but the memories live inside of us. God Blessed us with Nathan and we continue to be Blessed by him. That has not changed.

I sit on the bench near Nathan. The placing of the flowers, cleaning of the headstone and cleaning of his little area is her job. It has become, in some ways, her sacred mission. I do not intrude. When she is done we sit with Nathan for about an hour. We pray and say our goodbyes.

Keep my daughter Meranda and my granddaughters Mariah and Maddie in your prayers today.

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