Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Way back in 1979, when my old long gone pal Steve Wallace and I used to fish Lake Piru in Ventura County we always made a pit stop at Disco Sally's in the town of Piru.

Disco Sally's was a small market, a small Mexican American restaurant and a tackle shop on the edge of town on the road leading up to the lake.

After buying any extra gear, tackle and bait we needed we would sit at the counter and have breakfast or lunch, whatever the case would be.

More often than not, we would order the taquito plate. The taquitos were extraordinarily good. One day, I mentioned to the owner Henry that they were really good. He said his wife made them with canned roast beef hash. Simple but good.

I don't know why it took me forty-five years to get around to making them but it did. I was at the market this morning and saw the cans of Mary Kitchen's Roast Beef Hash. Today's the day, I said to myself.

They weren't perfect but they will be. Good things come to those who wait.

Ol' Steve has been gone a quarter of a century. He was on my mind and in my heart today.

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