Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Remembering 9/11/2001

I seem incapable of hate now. I don't have room in my life for it anymore, not on a personal level and not on a national or global level.  Maybe it's my age and tiredness or maybe God has just removed it from me.

I don't think people like me are part of the problem. I believe I am part of the solution. Hate begets hate. History has shown this to be true.

Anger? Yes!  Justice and retribution? Yes! Victory over those who would see us dead? Absolutely! But I just cannot hate anymore. I refuse to succumb to it.

Tarnished as we may be at the moment, I still believe America is a great country but we need to get our own house in order. We have become a dysfunctional family.

A large part of hate comes from fear; fear of change, fear of anything or anyone different than us. As Americans, we should be able to live both humbly and boldly.

If we give in to hate, fear and mistrust, then we have lost the war.

As Americans we cannot and will not maintain our position as the leader of the free world by mimicking and adopting the lowest, basest and most evil qualities of an enemy. We cannot and must not become them or we are doomed to fail.

Hate and fear make us weak. It distracts us. It takes energy to hate, so it drains us. We are capable of so much more.

But these are only my words, my thoughts, you are free to think and do as you see fit. I am not trying to convince anyone, nor will I be convinced otherwise.

So today, I remember, with great anger and vigilance but without hate.

God Bless you America!

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