Sunday, April 22, 2007

7 Tips to Simplify Your Life - Clipmarks

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7 Tips to Simplify Your Life
by Barbara Myers

1. De-clutter. Begin by grabbing an empty shopping bag. Walk around your home. Fill the bag with anything you don't use or love. Place the bag in your car and drop it off at a charitable organization. Repeat weekly.

2. Control your time. Reduce obligations. Learn to say no more often. Even one fewer activity per week can allow you some down time.

3. Do without. Stop impulse purchases. Each item you buy costs more than the purchase price. Consider upkeep costs in both time and dollars.

4. Pare down. Do you really need six spatulas or 30 pairs of shoes?

5. Have a weekly "no noise" day. Turn off the TV and radio. Tune in to nature and your family.

6. Make a list. Split your current activities and tasks into two columns: things I enjoy and things I don't enjoy. How can your reduce the second column and increase the first?

7. Organize everything. What takes up too much of your time? Simplify your routines, paperwork, wardrobe and your life.

Free "50 Ways to Manage Your Time" tips booklet. Visit

Copyright 2002-06 Barbara Myers. All Rights Reserved.

Publishers may use this article if the bylines are included.

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