Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Very, Very Sad Photo

I saw this photo at the "Best journalism Photos of 2007" website, it had no story to go with it. Maybe no words were needed. I just could not get him out of my mind. It reminds me of how lucky we are to be living in the United States and how rich we are, despite what we think we need. We have riches beyond this little boys imagination. It's painful to view. Still, I thought it should be posted on this site.

As a parent, a father, I cannot imagine the pain, anguish and shame, this little boy's parents must feel, if they are alive, seeing their child like this. How can we help? What can we do? Are children like him beyond our help? It hurts. When you pray today, say a prayer for this boy, and all the other children like him. When your kids complain about what they don't have, show them this picture. It is beyond humbling.

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