Friday, January 29, 2016


A family is built and nurtured not just by blood (it isn't always about blood) but by moments in time, by celebrations, births, marriages, successes and all the moments in between,including death, and by the way we endure it all together. It endures by the way we learn to accept, forgive. and love.
God has blessed my wife and I in ways we could never have imagined when we were young. In spite of all our mistakes, faults and imperfections he blessed us with five children, each incredible in their own way, each with their own gifts and strengths, and eight amazing grandchildren, one of them an angel in heaven. I;m grateful too for my son-in-laws that have become a part of our lives.
It has not been perfect, in fact, it has been a bumpy and some times difficult journey but at the end of the day we have each others back. It's like we used to say back in the day, "If you mess with one bean, you mess with the whole burrito".
The family continues to grow and we will, more than likely, make many more mistakes but we will endure it all together.

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