Friday, January 25, 2019

God's Bounty

The avocado trees, after suffering some damage from last summer's extreme heat, are all recovering and they are not only surviving, they are thriving. Last years avocados were few and undersized, though that great buttery taste was still there. I'm hoping for and expecting a good crop of avocados this coming season. This season, I'll be needing a ladder for the first time, at least for the large tree. My German Shepherd Kaya was enjoying the morning shade of the larger tree this morning..

I had all but given up the small Fuerte tree for dead. It's small compared with the other threes but when I planted the trees it was the biggest.It has made a comeback but has yet to produce any fruit. The other two trees are Hass avocados.

There are still some tangerines on the tree, and the Valencia orange tree and lemon tree are still thriving and producing. The taste of the tangerines are incredible. God's Bounty in my backyard!

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